Lin Hsin Hsin

Lin Hsin Hsin
Born Singapore
Nationality  Singapore
Field Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Technology, Color Science, Digital Art, Digital Music, Digital Media, Poetry

Lin Hsin Hsin (Chinese: 林欣欣; pinyin: Lín Xīn Xīn) is an IT inventor, artist, poet and composer from Singapore, deeply rooted in mathematics and information technology.[1] She established the early virtual museum website, the Lin Hsin Hsin Art Museum, in 1994.[2]



Hsin Hsin was born in Singapore. She graduated in mathematics from the University of Singapore and received a postgraduate degree in computer science from Newcastle University, England. She studied music and art in Singapore,[3] printmaking at the University of Ulster, papermaking in Ogawamachi, Japan and paper conservation at the University of Melbourne Conservation Services.

IT Visionary

Lin Hsin Hsin is a digital native. She builds and pens her IT vision in computing, poems and paintings.

  Ten years before Hsin Hsin created the 1st 3D digital art in Singapore, she has never
  seen nor used a CAD system. However, she has envisaged the use of computer for
  architecture, hence the title of the painting.

Contemporary Art

Paintings and sculptures

Lin Hsin Hsin specializes in oil painting, she has transformed the opaque properties of oil paint to make it translucent in 1988.[9][10] As such, she has made oil paint to look like watercolor, Chinese ink as well as pastel, pencil or charcoal, as demonstrated in the Aqua Series[11][12][13] of paintings. Besides oil paintings, she makes acrylic sculptures.

Art Exhibitions

Lin Hsin Hsin has held 15 solo exhibitions in Singapore, Amsterdam,[14][15][16] and San Jose, California, United States. She has participated in more than 220 exhibitions in 60 cities, 26 countries across Asia, Europe,[17][18][19][20][21][22] North America and South America.[23]

Art Collectors

Hsin Hsin's art can be seen in private, public and museum collections in 32 cities across Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. In 1985, she was awarded a silver medal by the Société des Artistes Française, Paris. In 1987, she received the IBM Singapore Art Award, she has received Visiting Fellowship to Germany in 1988 and Japan Foundation Fellowship in 1991 Her artworks are in private, public and museum collections in Asia, Europe and North America.


Besides paper sculptures, papier collé, collograph and monoprints, Hsin Hsin handmade acid-free paper.[24] She has pioneered acid-free papaya paper[25] and umbrella plant paper in 1992[26] .

Digital Media

Digital Media Pioneer

Hsin Hsin is a digital media pioneer,[27] She has created digital music in 1985, 3D digital art in 1987, and digital animation in 1989 in Singapore. Since 1993 todate, Hsin Hsin has pioneered the use of a two-button mechanical PC Mouse to draw and paint Western and Chinese paintings.[28] She has created digital oil paintings, watercolors, Chinese ink paintings and calligraphy. She also digitally sketches with this mouse. Hsin Hsin has never and does not use any tablet PC and stylus in such creation. More than 250 digitally created artworks were exhibited in 1997 in her 15th solo exhibition in Singapore.,[29][30]

Virtual Museum

In 1994, she set up the first virtual museum[31] in the world, the Lin Hsin Hsin Art Museum[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44]

Lin Hsin Hsin created Web art[45] and Net art in 1995, HTML art in 1996 and she has developed interactive Web art[46] since 1997. She pioneered virtual sculpting in 1999 in Singapore; it was exhibited in Paris, France in 1999, 2001 and 2003.

Digital Art

Lin Hsin Hsin Started from the real-world, in 1985, she moved into the digital world.

However, she has, since 1994, began with the digital, and fabricated the digital into the real


Hsin Hsin believes in Mathematical & Computing fundamentals, she anchors on science to create art. She


Hsin Hsin initiates, establishes and creates different genres of digital art:


Digital music

From conceptualization to composing, from sound calibration to mastering, Hsin Hsin has produced music on a PC without a sound card and midi instruments. She creates virtual instruments including a virtual didgeridoo, a berimbau used by the Brazilian aborigines. In 2006, Hsin Hsin has realized the sonification of nature, including a rainforest, waterfalls and wind by an interactive virtual sound board she has created. Hsin Hsin's music has been performed in Vienna, Austria in 2002, Bourges, France in 2003, 2004 and Pisa, Italy, 2005.

Music visualization

Hsin Hsin has composed music and painted music as an artist. The 45 paintings in the “Abstraction in Music” Series (1986–1987) is her interpretation of music on canvas, as she is moved by the music of great composers such as Handel (Water Music), Mozart (Jupiter Symphony), Franz Liszt (Rhapsodies dan l’espace), Vivaldi (The Four Seasons), Debussy (La Mer). In addition to the canvases, there are the paperworks subtitled “La Petite Séries” created with different techniques, an abstraction of audio visualization—perceived images of the sound in music such as Musical Ornaments: Trill, Appoggiatura and Turn (Staccato) and sound in the universe like Woodpecker.

Hsin Hsin has conceptualized and written about the art in music and music in art. Since 2002, Hsin Hsin has digitally created visual music, or animated music, as she puts it.

2005, Hsin Hsin built wearables and lights that response to music.

2006, Hsin Hsin built paradigm shift interactive digital real-world musical instruments—I-Musika[63][64]

Interactive music

Hsin Hsin developed an interactive Music Sound Board in 2006. The creation of this soft sound board enables real time creation of the sound of nature. Examples are elements of sound audible in nature, such as rain forest, insects, water and wind.


Combining mathematics, technology, art and music, Hsin Hsin pursues interdisciplinary studies.


Hsin Hsin speaks, reads and writes in Chinese, English, Japanese and French. She writes poems in these languages

Her poetry books have been cataloged in major libraries in the world:


Hsin Hsin is an author of 52 books, including ten poetry books.

Contemporary art books

Selected articles

Digital media

Digital music


  1. ^ Nor-Afidah Abd, Lin Hsin Hsin, Infopedia, Singapore, 27 May 2003.
  2. ^ Lin Hsin Hsin — Speaker biography, Museums and the Web, 1997.
  3. ^ An Essay, 2010
  4. ^ "Virtual Museum Tour - from Reality to Fantasy and Back", p.32, Mishkafayim Art Magazine No.28, Israel Museum, Jerulsalem, Israel, April 1996
  5. ^ 24 Hours in Cyberspace, p.150, Simon & Schuster, U.S.A., November 1996
  6. ^ "Lin Hsin Hsin Art Museum", Sightings!, Art, NetVoice October 1997, p.51
  7. ^ Museums Re-Examine Sites, With Frames, and Without, New York Times, U.S.A., March 13, 1997
  8. ^ “Museums of the Future Symposium”, Co-ordinated and edited by Morten Hertzum, Interaction Design Centre, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, June 2, 1998
  9. ^ "Modern Art in Singapore", Actuell DB, Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt, August 1989
  10. ^ “Kunst-Sponsoring durch Banken — Das Beispiel des Kunstkonzepts der Deutsche Bank AG”, Prof Dr. Hans E. Büschgen, Vortrag beim 11. Churburger Wirtschaftsgespräch am 12.10.1996
  11. ^ "The awesome power of water", Straits Times, June 30, 1989
  12. ^ "Water, water, everywhere", Business Times, July 3, 1989
  13. ^ "Using Oil to convey a message", Straits Times, July 4, 1989
  14. ^ Adformatie, 18de jaargang #16, 1990
  15. ^ Uitkrant, jaargang 24 #8, April 1990
  16. ^ Alert, 6e jaargang #5, 1990
  17. ^ "Feinsinning und Züruckhaltend", Mannheimer Morgen, July 16, 1990
  18. ^ "Jedem eine Chance und eine Roje", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Dezember 15, 1990
  19. ^ "Ein Hauch Fernost in der Bank", Neue Rheine Zeitung, März 6, 1990
  20. ^ "Die Kunst der Assimilation", Handelsblatt, März 9/10, 1990
  21. ^ "Am Schnittpunkt zwischen West und Ost", Rheinische Post, März 13, 1990
  22. ^ "Kunst aus dem Fernen Osten", Forum, Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt, #2, April 1990
  23. ^ "Hsin Hsin's work for Chile”, Straits Times, September 8, 1989, p.4 [1]
  24. ^ "Washi Paper", Japan Topic, Japan Information & Culture Center, Embassy of Japan, December 1991
  25. ^ "Artist fashions artwork made from papaya tree", The Straits Times, June 8, 1993 [2]
  26. ^ "Beauty in Fiber", p. 77, Sali'ng Lahat Saling Tanggap—A Report on the ASEAN Conference and Workshop, Manila Philippines, May 24, 1993
  27. ^ "Lin Hsin Hsin -- A Multimedia Artist in the Garden City", p. 146, Digital Boy (with CD-ROM), Tokyo, Japan, May 1996
  28. ^ “She paints with a mouse”, Straits Times, 28 November 1997, p.3
  29. ^ "@rt: a Cyberart Show by Lin Hsin Hsin" Introduction by Dr Susan Hazan
  30. ^ “Painting a cyberscape”, The Straits Times, December 3, 1997, p.46
  31. ^ Pioneering a digital media art museum on the Web
  32. ^ "Editorial" Museum International, Museum and the Internet, Special Edition, UNESCO, Paris, France, and Blacknell, Oxford, United Kingdom, January -- March 2000
  33. ^ "Museum International, Volume LII,1:2000"
  34. ^ "N°205: Sector de Cultura de la UNESCO"
  35. ^ "Un musée d'art numérique : une première sur le Web / Lin Hsin Hsin"
  36. ^ "Musei in rete"
  37. ^ “Singapore artist's UN exposure”, Straits Times, February 18, 2000, p.3 [3]
  38. ^ “Comments on Lin Hsin Hsin Art Museum”, Dr Susan Hazan, Web design for the Cultural sector, Goldsmith, University of London, January 6, 2003
  39. ^ “Museum participation in a Network Society: A Reflection”, Olga van Oost, Program for Policy Research Centres, Gent, 2003
  40. ^ “Museos, Tecnología e Innovación Educativa: Aprendizaje de Patrimonio y Arqueología en Territorio Menosca”, José Miguel Correa Gorospe, Didáctica y Organización Escolar, Alex Ibáñez Etxeberria, Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Laboratorio de Innovación Educativa y Nuevas Tecnologías, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea-Universidad del País Vasco, Madrid, Spain, 2003
  41. ^ “Museo Multimedia con Sistema de Gestión de Exposiciones Virtuales”, Miguel Jesús Otero López, Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación, 2003, Spain
  42. ^ “As transformações da relação museu e público: a influência das tecnologias da informação e comunicação no desenvolvimento de um público virtual”, Rosane Maria Rocha de Carvalho, Doutorado em Ciência da Informação, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia – IBICT, Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Convênio CNPq/IBICT – UFRJ/ECO, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Escola de Comunicação – ECO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Março 2005 [4]
  43. ^ "Comunicação e informação de museus na Internet e o visitante virtual", Rosane Maria Rocha de Carvalho, Revista Eletrônica do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Museologia e Patrimônio – PPG-PMUS Unirio | MAST, MUSEOLOGIA E PATRIMÔNIO - vol.I no 1 - jul/dez de 2008 [5]
  44. ^ "Churer Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft Herausgegeben von Josef Herget und Sonja Hierl Schrift 14, Verlag Arbeitsbereich Informationswissenschaft, ISSN 1660-945X, Chur, Februar 2009"
  45. ^ [6]
  46. ^ "CyberKunst aus Singapur" Wirtschafts Woche, 24 Februar, 2000
  47. ^ "eco-computing" – FacetedDBLP"
  48. ^ A Non-Photorealistic Rendering Images By A Handheld Device [7], July 2007
  49. ^ A Non-Photorealistic Rendering Images By A Handheld Device [8], July 2007
  50. ^ A Non-Photorealistic Rendering Images By A Handheld Device
  51. ^ Non-Photorealistic Rendering Images By A Handheld Device
  52. ^ “Let the mouse replace brush”, Straits Times, December 17, 1999, p.13
  53. ^ The Automorphism of Amalgamation of Polytopes and Tessellation, July 2007, Bridges Conference, San Sebastian, Spain
  54. ^ IS 1999, Paris, France
  55. ^ “Novel approach to 3D sculpting”, Straits Times, October 6, 1999, p.10
  56. ^ A New Paradigm for Visualization and Generating Grid Geometry Art and Beyond [9], July 2010
  57. ^ A New Paradigm for Visualization and Generating Grid Geometry Art and Beyond [10], July 2010
  58. ^ Interactive Web based Grid Geometry Construction [11], July 2006
  59. ^ Interactive Web based Grid Geometry Construction [12], July 2006
  60. ^ "The Art of i,j,k", Astronomie et Darwin, IS 2009, Metz, France
  61. ^ The Art of Equations, July 2008, Bridges Conference, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.
  62. ^ Astronomie et Darwin, IS 2009, Metz, France
  63. ^ I1)-Musika:Mobile Interface Musical Expression (MIME)
  64. ^ IV '07 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Information Visualization, ISBN 0-7695-2900-3 [13]
  65. ^ Between the Lines
  66. ^ Between the Lines
  67. ^ Between the Lines
  68. ^ Between the Lines
  69. ^ In Bytes We Travel
  70. ^ In Bytes We Travel, review
  71. ^ Sunny Side Up
  72. ^ Love @ 1st Byte
  73. ^ Love @ 1st Byte, review
  74. ^ From Time to Time
  75. ^ From Time to Time
  76. ^ From Time to Time
  77. ^ Take A Word for a Walk
  78. ^ [14]
  79. ^ Lin Hsin Hsin : Work from Art, Science & Technology Series, 1994
  80. ^ [15]
  81. ^ Lin Hsin Hsin : Memoirs of Deutschland Series II, 1993
  82. ^ [16]
  83. ^ Lin Hsin Hsin : Work from Nature Series, 1992
  84. ^ Lin Hsin Hsin : Work from Time Series, 1991
  85. ^ "7th solo exhibition", Straits Times, April 26, 1990, p.4
  86. ^ "The artist who has 5000 books", Sunday Times, April 8, 1990, p.6
  87. ^ Lin Hsin Hsin : Memoirs of Frankfurter Buchmesse Series, 1990
  88. ^ Lin Hsin Hsin : work from abstraction in music series, 1989
  89. ^ The man who made sculpture move"Straits Times, December 7, 1986, p.8
  90. ^ “Picasso: painting life into objects", Straits Times, April 3, 1988, p.58 [17]
  91. ^ "Come aboard the 19th century", Straits Times, May 22, 1988, p.5
  92. ^ DBLP
  93. ^ Ann Arbor, MI: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library
  94. ^ International Computer Music Conference Proceedings, 2003
  95. ^ I1)-Musika:Mobile Interface Musical Expression (MIME)

External links